Thursday, August 11, 2011

Arbeit macht...arbeit

I had an epiphany of a sort yesterday about life in the company where I’m currently working. This place is like swimming upstream in molasses.

For the past couple of months I’ve had a core list of seven tasks. I’ve been unable to cross a single one off the list because there’s no point in the company processes where you can say, “there it is, done and dusted.” Every time you think you’re rounding the corner on closing in on the final bits you find that you’ve got at least three more corners to go.

The only thing that’s happened to my list is that more crap gets added to it.

The whole point to having a list is the sense of accomplishment you feel when you scratch something off. What I get from this place is the feeling that nothing will ever get well and truly done. But you can wear yourself out in the attempt.

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