Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The squash of summer

Monday was Sneak Some Zucchini onto your Neighbor’s Porch Day. I’m a few days late in marking the celebration, but trust me: if you have spare squash, you have it by the shedload. They should make all of August Sneak Some Zucchini (or Courgettes, if you’re a Brit) onto your Neighbor’s Porch Month

Zucchini have the amazing property of exploding from fingerlike to lethal-club-sized overnight. Anyone who’s ever grown them will attest to that. So after your initial pleasure at picking your own veg, you start getting desperate for ways to use it. You go from sautés to zucchini bread to heaving it into your compost pile.

A friend of mine who used to live in Huntsville assured me that during summer, it was more than your porch that was in danger of being squashified. If you left your car unlocked, you most likely came back to find a bagful on the passenger seat.

Ah, summer!

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