Friday, August 12, 2011

Wrong-way Street

You know, there seems to be a lot of news recently that just strikes me gobsmacked. And here’s another item: there’s a Facebook petition urging that the folks at Sesame Street let Bert & Ernie get married.

Hello? People? They’re Muppets! MUH-PETS. And on Sesame Street only the actual humans are over the age of about five (well, except for maybe Count von Count) with attendant over-five characteristics, because the show is all about childhood.

You remember childhood, right? That great place where you don't have to worry about sexual orientation, designer drugs or cosmetic surgery? (Unless your parents are planning on getting on a reality show.)

All I can say is that, as per usual, people on Facebook have way, waaaayy too much time on their hands.

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