Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Now it becomes clear

Okay, so evidently Pat Robertson is not the only rightwing religious spewer of crack-brained balderdash: there’s an Islamic cleric in Tehran who has proclaimed that promiscuous women cause earthquakes.

Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi appears to be focused on only Iranian earthquakes, so it’s not clear whether they’re the only disasters that matter, whether only Iranian promiscuous women cause Iranian earthquakes, or whether promiscuous women globally are responsible for quakes.

Does that mean they’re also on the hook for volcanic eruptions & tsunamis?

& how, exactly, are they responsible? Did they use their wiles to get men to found population centers on fault lines? Cause tectonic shifts via seductive walking? Use aromatherapy candles to ignite Eyjafjallajokull last week?

I dunno, but I’d purely pay to see Sedighi & Robertson in a contest to see who becomes more apoplectic in delivering spurious pronouncements tying weather & geologic events to those other, really bad, people’s actions.

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