Tuesday, April 20, 2010

News of the weird, chapter 2

I’m trying to get the latest update on the corpse-in-coach story from a couple of weeks ago, but it’s been unaccountably pushed off the electronic front pages by such trivia as global volcanic-ash-air-chaos, WaMu’s CEO weaseling in front of Congress (really—there has to be a required course in MBA programs for this) and the Vatican being persecuted by the, you know, truth.

The latest (still more than a week old) seems to be that preliminary findings by a British medical examiner indicate that Kurt Willi Jarant had been dead for about 12 hours when staff at Liverpool’s John Lennon Airport put paid to his wife and her daughter’s attempt to get him onboard an easyJet flight to Berlin.

The two women are naturally claiming to have had no idea that he was dead, that he must have “passed” at the airport, and they’ve lawyered up.

There have been no results at posting from the post-mortem, and the widow and daughter are free on bail. Gitta Jarant has now said that she wants to have Willi cremated soonest and take his ashes home to Berlin. She’s cooking up something straight out of ITV in the way of, Willi being a pilot, “the pilot souls” were just calling him home (but not to Berlin)), and so it was fitting, really, that he went that way.

You have to wonder, what with court costs, lawyers’ fees, non-refundable airfare cancellations, etc., if it wouldn’t have been cheaper to have had him cremated in the first place.

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