Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Parental controls

It never ceases to amaze me the extent to which device screens have taken over humanity here in the People’s Republic. During the pandemic, I used to look out my front window and see people walking their dogs, their kids (in strollers or not) or alone and be completely oblivious to the world around them because their heads were bent, eyes focused on their little screens.

(This is the logical extension of what I saw 15 years ago in the Seattle Arboretum: two guys walking through spectacular nature (if you like rhododendrons), each listening to his own earbuds. Just physical proximity, no acknowledgement of each other or their surroundings.)

I still see it when I’m out on walks (when they’re not carrying on conversations with their phones on speaker). And I don’t get it—what is the point of being outside if you are not, in fact, being outside?

Well, yesterday I may have hit peak device dementia. Viz:

I wonder how that kid is going to turn out in 18 years?



©2024 Bas Bleu


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