Monday, June 24, 2024

Gratitude Monday: keeping cool

We here in the environs of the District They Call Columbia are part of the extended heat wave that’s covering a good chunk of the eastern half of the United States. Heat index for most of last week was well into the upper 90s; Saturday we had triple-digit temperatures. For my morning walks, temps have hovered around 80F.

Saturday evening around 1900 I opened the patio door to toss out some pizza bones for Foxy and the heat sucked the air right out of me. Google told me it was 93F.

Listen—when it’s so hot that squirrels sploot on the shaded concrete, it’s bad.

(I’m not going to go into global warming, but c’mon, people—how much evidence do you need when all over the world, including both northern and southern hemispheres, temperatures are abnormally high for prolonged periods of time?)

So today I am so grateful that I have working air conditioning in my house, and ceiling fans in the bedrooms upstairs, where it’s noticeably warmer than downstairs. Because of this, I do not sploot.



©2024 Bas Bleu



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