Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Growing things

As long as I’m talking potted plants, about six weeks ago I bought a dwarf Meyer lemon tree. I’d have preferred something not Meyer, but that’s all the nursery had at the time. The one I picked had a bunch of blossoms on it, and I tried to knock the minimum number of them off during transport.

When they finally all fell off over time, I thought it was safe to move it to a larger pot. I wanted its roots to have room to grow.

I’m pleased to report that there is one very miniscule lemon growing, which I hope makes it to maturity. (The paucity of sunlight in my garden is an issue, so my fingers are crossed.)

I decided I wanted to get a dwarf lime, as well, so I went back to Merrifield Garden Center on Friday. Their citrus shelves were bare.

So, Saturday I went to Meadows Farm—they had not only Key and Persian limes, they also had Ponderosa lemon in addition to Meyer. Well, I bought a dwarf Persian and brought it home to meet the Meyer. It has no blossoms, but if you get close to the leaves, it smells like lime.

I’m hopeful.



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