Monday, June 10, 2024

Gratitude Monday: back in bloom

There were three or four gardenia shrubs in the yard of the house where I grew up. On summer evenings, the scent of gardenias wafted up to my bedroom (no AC, so windows open). So I suppose I associate that scent with summer vacations and staying up really late to read books for the library summer reading program.

At least five, maybe six, years ago, I bought a baby gardenia bush and planted it in a pot. The first summer I had it, it produced well, but diminished some in each of the following years. Last year I got nothing. It occurred to me a couple of months ago that perhaps the roots were cramped, so I repotted it into a larger container.

And, well—looky here!

Two flowers and at least 48 buds.

That’s my gratitude for today, baby—and I’m staying up late to read a library book.

UPDATE: Look how many more this morning:


©2024 Bas Bleu


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