Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Making choices

Last month I got several packets of voting materials for today’s primaries.

They were all from Santa Clara County, not from Virginia.

(Evidently Fairfax County can’t be arsed to notify your former voting jurisdiction when you register here.)

At first I was really excited, because it was the first time (I thought) the Commonwealth had ever sent any materials to help me be efficient at the voting booth. But no, it was California, which always sends out frankly TMI about the referenda, initiatives and candidates so you can make an informed choice before you cast your ballot.

From the former capital of the Confederacy I’ve received exactly nothing; they prefer that you have as little information as possible. (TBH, they’d prefer that you didn’t bother at all with making your voice heard, unless you’re wearing a red hat made in China.)

No worries—I voted anyhow.

(Only once. In Virginia, not California.)




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