Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Getting out the vote

As you may be aware, presidential primary elections were held yesterday in a bunch of states. I commented about the difference between voter information provided by California and Virginia.

(Both parties actually blew me off—I got no flyers from either of them or their respective candidates. And, as opposed to California, there were only two party choices: Democrat or Republican.)

I’d missed the window for early voting, which is my preference, so yesterday morning I walked over to the polling place in a local elementary school. I was there around 0830 and let me say that there were about 10 or so poll workers, but I was the only voter.

You could have held World War III there and no one would have got hurt.

I suppose it’s because—with only two parties represented and an incumbent (I was going to say “unopposed incumbent”, but then I remembered Marianne Williamson and Dean Phillips; haaaaaaaaaaaaaa) for one and a right-wing, twice-impeached, four-times indicted, 91 felony counts, insurrectionist, grifting, racist, misogynistic, authoritarian, word-slurring nut job for the other, well—obviously iacta alea est.

As I was leaving, three more people pulled up to do their civic duty, and I say God bless ‘em.



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