Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Macro plastics

Monday is recycling day here in the ‘hood. Fairfax County stopped taking glass a few years ago, so you have to take that down to designated dumpsters (there is a grand total of two in the People’s Republic). Dunno what happens with them—the county probably dumps them in the landfill with everything else, but at least you feel like you’re making the effort.

They do continue to accept plastic, aluminium and paper. So I suppose we should be grateful.

However, I noticed one of my neighbors had this out for collection, and I was appalled:

I don’t know what period of time this barrelload covers, but how can people go through this many 16oz plastic bottles of water? The ratio of content to container is just criminal; why can’t you at least buy gallon bottles and pour glasses? Or get five-gallon delivery?

I absolutely despair.



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