Monday, August 14, 2023

Gratitude Monday: An attitude of gratitude

Saturday I went to a party hosted by a friend and former colleague at a major enterprise software company. We’ve known each other for 20 years. (She’s been with the company for 36 years; I lasted 15 months.)

The community center of her development was absolutely chockers with people who’d come from all over for the celebration, which she called “Joyful Time!” There was uncertainty about what was being celebrated (she disabused anyone who thought it might be her birthday, which is in October, or perhaps her earning an MBA from the University of Maryland at a certain age), but really, everyone came because of Jacquie herself.

She explained that she was throwing the party because for so long we haven’t been able to hold get-togethers, so it was about damn time. And she expressed gratitude for everyone there; every person in the room is important to her and she’s grateful for all of us.

Well, so am I. For my first party since the Before Times. For seeing Jacquie for the first time in probably 19 years. For meeting her family and friends. For getting out of a Confederate state. For being reminded of grace and gratitude.

I’m reminded of an exchange Jacquie and I had back I the office:

Jacquie: We gonna get you some attitude.

Me: You know—I’d have thought that attitude was the one thing with which I was singularly supplied.

J: We gonna get you some sistah-attitude.

Well, alrighty then.

Here’s a shot of Jacquie and her sisters.

And here’s the crowd who came to celebrate.


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