Monday, February 13, 2023

Gratitude Monday: Figure 4

Thursday I sent my yoga instructor a list of poses I thought I could/could not do and asked if we could get a Friday-afternoon lesson out of them. I hadn’t had a lesson since the day before surgery and I really don’t like going that long without the boost.

When time came for the lesson on Friday, I wasn’t sure I could go through with it—I had several meetings that day, including one 90-minute one, and I’m still working out how to sit at my desk with any degree of comfort. Come yoga time, my knee was stiff, I was tired and I was feeling pretty crappy, truth be told.

But we started in, and I have to say that I felt so much better, both physically and mentally, afterward. I managed very careful windshield wipers, elongated bound ankle, modified figure 4, almost-bridge against the wall and a slightly wobbly Warrior II. No kneeling, no crossed legs. A considerable amount of time was spent figuring out how to transition from one position to another, since one knee wasn’t bending (and I was a little concerned about splitting open the incision), but it was a good session, and when it was done I felt looser and stronger, which had a huge impact on my mental state.

So that’s my gratitude today: the blessing of a yoga lesson.





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