Friday, February 10, 2023

All through my coffee break time

For today’s earworm, let’s remember Bert Bacharach, who died this week aged 94.

Bacharach largely owned pop music composing in the 60s and 70s—it was hard to turn on an AM station (Google it) for 20 minutes without hearing one of his songs. The voice most associated with his work was Dionne Warwick’s, and I have to say that to me, they all pretty much sounded alike.

One of his biggest hits was “Say a Little Prayer”. I have a recording of Aretha Franklin singing it, but I’m going to share a clip from My Best Friend’s Wedding, where Julia Roberts is handed her hat by the genuinely happy family of the girl who’s about to marry the man Julia just realized she wants for herself. The thing that does it for me is the waving crab claws at the end.



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