Thursday, September 1, 2022

Crime matters

Okay, I confess that back in 2016, I thought Cadet Bonespurs was a kleptocrat, a chaos monkey and batshit crazy. I reckoned that he was mostly into the election and presidency for what he could grift out of it—and he certainly showed us over four interminable years how good he was at that.

And I suppose that I understood at some level that if he perceived that he could monetize his access to national security information from one of the best collection of agencies in the world, that would not be off the table.

But pretty sure “Caught red-handed with top secret documents stuffed in boxes along with old news clippings, empty potato chip packets and expired passports” was not on my apocalyptic bingo card.

And yet, here we are.

By way of evidence, I give you these two Twitter threads, because I have no words.

Well—except that carpet is a crime against humanity.

Also, God give me strength, but:


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