Friday, July 15, 2022

Take back my life

Unless you’ve been in a monastery without connectivity the past week, you’ll know about the 10-year-old girl in Ohio whose post-rape pregnancy was confirmed about one day after the 15-week cutoff for banning abortions; the pre-teen who had to be driven to Indiana to have the pregnancy terminated.

Republicans have been all over the case, with Gym Jordan calling the story a hoax, and the Ohio AG threatening to prosecute the OB-GYN who treated the child.

When asked in a Congressional hearing yesterday whether a 10-year-old should bear the child of her rapist, some anti-abortion cow prevaricated that the situation of the particular child would mean that an abortion in this case would not, in fact, be an abortion. Meaning: if it’s an abortion of which you approve, then it’s not an abortion. I guess.

And some clown named (I swear I am not making this up) Jim Bopp, the general counsel for National Right to Life (Until Birth), who has designed post-Roe “model legislation” for abortion bans, proclaimed that under his law, “She would have had the baby, and as many women who have had babies as a result of rape, we would hope that she would understand the reason and ultimately the benefit of having the child.”

Yes—a child who is probably unable to understand the fact of rape will understand the reason why she’s forced to carry the products of rape to birth, and its “benefit”.

Jesus wept.

So, today’s earworm is Rachel Platten’s “Fight Song”. I hope this child and every other one never has to fight alone. 


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