Monday, July 18, 2022

Gratitude Monday: yoga

As I’ve mentioned here last week, I’ve got some issues with my knees. Getting cortisone shots helped considerably, but what I’m grateful for today is the almost-regular yoga session I had on Friday.

After skipping one lesson because of pain and inability to bend my knee, then two severely-modified sessions to accommodate the inflexibility, Friday’s lesson was probably about 95% of usual. Including sun salutations and nearly-full child’s pose. I was a bit ginger about getting into the knee-bendy warrior poses, and I put down padding for the camel, but—man, it felt so good to get back into the full Monty.

Also, I realized several hours later that all the stiffness and discomfort were gone. And Saturday and yesterday, I was back to my full morning walking circuit. If that’s not worthy of gratitude, I don’t know what is.



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