Friday, July 29, 2022

All my troubles

I will not lie: since last week’s big Season One finale of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United State Capitol, I’ve been thinking about the tsuris that putting together a post-insurrection video message to the country cost Cadet Bonespurs. And I may or may not have watched the outtakes from that recording session about a squillion times.

It is rather sick-making that this disgusting husk of a humanoid had the nuclear codes for any period of time. But it’s rather delightful to watch him choke on saying he lost and to notice how he blames everything else for his inability to read. For example, we learned that “yesterday” is a hard word to say.

So, here’s the McCartney classic, “Yesterday”, which is not, in fact, at all hard to say. For any normal human being.



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