Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Home improvement

Guess who has to buy a new sliding screen door. And guess why.

I came back from my morning walk on Saturday to find one of the little furry toerags on the wrong side of the door. I think he’d only just got through, because he hadn’t yet reached the cup of birdseed I keep nearby to toss out for the ground feeders. (I know this because there was no mess around the cup.) He bopped out through the hole he’d chewed when he saw me.

I patched it with duct tape, but about 30 minutes later I was upstairs and heard a weird noise and came down to find he was enlarging the hole, so I patched it horizontally.

Throughout the day Saturday and Sunday, as I had the door open for the good weather, he periodically sidled up to the screen, looking for an opportunity to do more damage, but I foiled him.

Man—it’s always something.



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