Monday, June 6, 2022

Gratitude Monday: just a break

We’ve had a break in the weather for a few days. From early morning temps in the mid-70s that climb to over 90 by afternoon we’ve gone to 50s-60 and up to 80. That means I can do my morning 3.5 miles without carrying a towel, and enjoy a shorter afternoon walk.

Because of that, I can truly enjoy the beauty around me; nothing spectacular, just the birds, the greenery and the air. (I’m also seeing a bumper crop of chipmunks all over the place; I’ve never encountered so many.) It’s a joy to have the patio door open and listen to the sounds of early summer.

We’ve got another day or so of it; then it’s back to Summer in the District and a bad hair day that lasts through September. So I’m grateful for this while it lasts.




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