Monday, January 3, 2022

Gratitude Monday: They shot it into a tree

 Sadly, we’re going to have to try to make it through 2022 without Betty White, who died Friday just three weeks shy of her hundredth birthday. This will be a strain on a world already exhausted by virus and RWNJs, but we owe it to her to try our best.

We are, however, lucky—and I am grateful for it—to have a multi-decade body of her work. Today I give you “The Great Herring War”, which White apparently improvised. Watch as Bea Arthur and Rue McClanahan break up as White just keeps on keeping on.

I don’t make many resolutions, but here’s one: I’m going to try to work “After that, no other herring would do it” into at least one meeting a week in this year.

Thank you, Betty.


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