Friday, December 31, 2021

A cup o' kindness

Welp, here we are at the butt end of 2021. Gawd.

If you’re reading this, it means you’re still alive and I say, bravo! Well done to make it through this annus horribilis, starting with the GQP-sponsored insurrection and carrying on with the GQP-encouraged anti-mask anti-vax anti-reason mouth-breathers, the first instance in US history of an unpeaceful transfer of power (thanks, GQP), the miasma of Big Lies (courtesy of the GQP) and the onslaught of the Delta and Omicron variants overwhelming our already-precarious for-profit healthcare system (not directly attributed to the GQP, but man, did they ever exacerbate it).

And I, for one, am glad to be looking at it in my rearview mirror.

This evening I’m clearing the decks for 2022 with my usual ritual of burning El Año Viejo—writing out a list of the pain, sorrow, chagrin, anger, fear, pain, frustration and other negative things that happened this year…and then setting it on fire.

The New Year then becomes a tabula rasa upon which I can create love, kindness, generosity, joy and hope.

So I’m closing out this final Friday with “Auld Lang Syne”. In this case sung by Rod Stewart at Stirling Castle. Because why not?


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