Monday, August 30, 2021

Gratitude Monday: And the stagecoach you rode in on

When I bought this house in 2017, my mortgage was sold on twice within the first year. It ended up with Wells Fargo, an institution I loathe with a hatred so intense it would cut steel.

It’s not just that their hiring and business practices are disgusting. They once actually paid first-class postage to send me a notice that my escrow account was short $0.25. (I walked over to the local branch and gave a teller three nickels and a dime, and got a receipt for it. Just to make sure the shortage cost them the maximum amount I could manage.)

In the intervening time, interest rates have finally gone down enough that refinancing began to make sense. When I found out that my credit union had competitive rates and would not sell on the mortgage, I pulled the trigger. It wasn’t smooth sailing, and I shall have many words to tell the CU, but as of last Monday, Wells Fargo can just suck it.

And I cannot tell you how grateful I am for that.




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