Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Dinner guest

As you know, there’s considerable wildlife wandering around the People’s Republic. Ducks and foxes, deer, squirrels and chipmunks; also raccoons and groundhogs, which I have unaccountably not yet captured on video.

There’s also the brown bunny.

BB disappears for months at a time, but then shows up. I have no way of knowing whether it’s the same bunny, although I have never seen more than one at a time. Last week it hopped through my back yard; to discourage it from munching my basil, I tossed out half a carrot, which it seemed to appreciate.

It reappeared on Saturday, and then again on Sunday. It’s fascinating to watch it eat. It works at it steadfastly until the carrot is gone, then it uses its front paws to groom its whiskers. (No video of that part.)

I probably shouldn’t encourage it, because they do chow down on people’s garden plants. But it’s actually rather stress-relieving to watch.





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