Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Redneck landscaping

The People’s Republic has restrictions on pretty much everything, except on high-rise development. I’m pretty sure, for instance, that if I put up a clothesline and hung my laundry on it, I’d incur the full force of the Reston Association, with my own cluster association's aesthetic outrage piled on top.

So I was amused to find this in front of one of my neighbors’ house:

It didn’t stay there long (couple of days at most), but even so it was clearly an abomination to God and man and probably lowered property values for a while.

I also found it interesting because it wasn’t left in the parking strip, as though for pick-up. Nor was it in line with the front door. No—it was tucked next to the shrubbery as though the owners wanted to pretend that no one would notice.



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