Monday, July 12, 2021

Gratitude Monday: morning companions

This being the environs of the District They Call Columbia, I have to start my daily walks no later than 0600. Even so, by the time I get back, I’m soaked. The best five minutes of my day is my post-walk legs-against-the-wall pose and guzzling sparkling water.

But I’ve noticed that by going out at the early hour, I see a somewhat different ecosystem. It’s quieter, more tranquil, and creatures that stay hidden when the runners and cyclists are around come out. Twice I’ve spied a fox looking like he’s headed home after a night on the tiles (both times he was too far away for me to capture on video). And one morning I caught a glimpse of a couple of deer crossing a creek:

(Naturally, the instant I pulled out the camera, one disappeared, but I did get one.)

I don’t know where they hang out the rest of the day, but I hope wherever it is, they’re staying cool and hydrated.

And I’m grateful to share the early morning with them.



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