Thursday, June 10, 2021

Good deed

Given the typical June weather here in the District They Call Columbia, I’ve had to push my daily walks earlier in the morning. Even so, before 0700 it’s 76F and at least 75% humidity, so it’s not an entirely pleasant experience.

However, you see things in the morning that you don’t later on. Viz: this little guy, who’d trudged up a slope about 10 yards and looked to be on his way to the W&OD Trail. Or possibly headed home after a night on the tiles.

I might should have let him carry on, but that direction was definitely away from the pond, so I relocated him to the wet area.

Back in grad school, I earned the epithet “[Bas Bleu], Redeemer of Reptiles”, because tortoises around the Burg had a tendency to try to cross busy highways teeming with tourons whose minds are not on driving. I would pull over, pick them up and carry them to the other side. I learned to pick them up by the edges of their shell, away from their heads, because they’d try to bite and they did pee. I applied those lessons to the turtle yesterday.

He didn’t look best pleased, but I did it for his own good.



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