Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Street crime

Back in the dim, distant past of last week, when I could actually walk without slipping on ice, I made a couple of interesting discoveries.

One was the apparent attempted strangulation of some trees by vines:

The perp might have been ivy, which is ugly, invasive and obviously armed and dangerous:

The other interesting thing was this guy:

And that’s it from the People’s Republic.




  1. 4th image definitely shows the foliage of Common Ivy (a/k/a English Ivy) (Hedera helix). But you have some other stuff going on, too. 2nd and 3rd images show the lazy, smooth vines of native grape (Vitis spp.) and the top image looks like it could be Oriental Bittersweet (Celastris orbiculatus) (non-native, invasive).

  2. Poison ivy will also strangle a tree. David's comment was helpful.
