Monday, February 22, 2021

Gratitude Monday: heat and bird seed

As the whole world knows, much of the US had a bad weather week. We here in the District They Call Columbia did not escape, although our dreaded wintry mix was nothing like what Texas experienced.

Even so, there were three days where I basically did not leave the house, because trying to walk (much less drive) on icy pavement was just not worth it.

I’ll tell you, though, I am mighty grateful to have had electricity and heat and even connectivity throughout the storms.

Also, I’m grateful that I got another delivery of 15lbs of bird seed, of which at least a third has been distributed to the visitors to my patio. I swear that when I come down in the morning and pull aside my drapes, they’re lining the branches of trees and shrubs, waiting impatiently. Then, as soon as the first handfuls get tossed out, I have a living carpet as they swarm down to break their fast.

Like so:

I was extra pleased to see this guy chowing down(sorry about the light; these mornings are pretty dark):

Also—he quite likes the heated birdbath.

I have a lot to be thankful for today.



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