Friday, May 15, 2020

Casting a spell

Yesterday I had to hawk up objectives for my MBO (management by objective) for this quarter. Evidently they were due on 30 April, but stuff. So here we are, halfway into the quarter and just coming up with MBOs.

Around 1030 my manager IM’d me asking if he could get them by COB, so I basically manufactured four that seem relatively appropriate and IM’d them back.

I also added a fifth: “Commit no detectable felonies.”

He approved the four and made number five an OKR (Objectives/Key Results). Because OKRs are aspirational.

He’s careful about wording MBOs in such a way that they don’t negatively impact bonus pay.

Well, it’s Friday, so let’s have something uplifting. I love Annie Lennox’s voice, and here she is, banging out the R&B classic, “I Put A Spell On You”.

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