Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Back to the stone age

I got home from work yesterday around 1630 and—as per usual—turned on the laptop. And discovered that my Internet connection had gone wonky. The network radiation icon would come on, I’d refresh a page or hit send/receive in Outlook, and the icon would turn to some kind of globe with a little x in it.

I called Comcast and got the usual computer-voice telling me I had to reset my router. Which I did. And after the requisite 10 minutes, I had Internet. For three minutes. Then it and my phone went out. More globe with the x.

Eventually the phone came back on, so I redialed Comcast. This time Computer Voice told me “we are experiencing an outage in your neighborhood that may affect your service. We expect to have it restored today, by 2056. An agent will not be able to fix your problem sooner. Would you like us to call you when service is restored?”

Like four more hours of no connectivity is a mere bagatelle when the Kleptocrat Administration is in free-fall. Also—Comcast has never once in all the years I’ve had it actually called me back for any reason.

So I wrote this and posted it during one of the microseconds when I had network radiation instead of globe with little x.

Technology, man. Good thing I brought a white paper home to read.

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