Thursday, September 19, 2019

Report from Day Three

I got access to the building’s exercise room in the basement. You need a special Datawatch card to use that particular elevator, and then get into the room. It’s not especially sophisticated, but it has anything I’d want to use. Also, the women’s locker room is clean and all the lockers are not permanently padlocked.

At my last employer, the exercise room was the size of two cubicals and every locker in the women’s locker room was either padlocked or full of crap. (In complete violation of the “you can’t leave crap in or permanently lock a locker” rule).

On the beverage front, I found the ice machine and tried the water that was peppermint flavored. It was kind of like drinking a York Peppermint Patty.

Then I brought home a raft of threat intelligence reports, which are fascinating. I can’t believe I’m working for this company.

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