Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Day two: eggs and orgs

Turns out that Tuesdays in my employer’s office in the People’s Republic is free lunch day. I don’t know who the caterer was yesterday, but apparently the event was delayed because “they didn’t bring enough food”. From the number of aluminium trays of brioches filled with egg/sausage or egg/bacon, breakfast burritos, fried sweet potatoes, bacon and other miscellanea “enough” apparently refers to a sufficiency to feed an army corps. (The theme was breakfast for lunch.)

Even so, the organizer’s message reminded people to be “portion considerate” for those who couldn’t get there on the dot.

I also figured out both the Peet’s cappuccino and the Nespresso espresso machines in the kitchen, more or less. And I tried the watermelon/lime flavored water. (Meh.)

Workwise, my manager walked me through some organizational things, and I attended a weekly update meeting, which gave me a super introduction to the breadth of cyber security this group covers, as well as to many of the people in the group. Jeez they’re smart.

I like it here.

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