Thursday, September 5, 2019

Behind the scenes

The video that should have been all over TV in the Bible Belt during the 2016 elections has been uncovered and is making the rounds on the Interwebs. You know—the 2015 Bloomberg Politics interview in which Cadet Bonespurs is completely stumped when asked what his favorite verses are. He can’t even choose between the Old and New Testaments; apparently he didn’t know there were two of them.

Like the two Corinthians.

Well, that video is hilarious in its own right, and levels yet another charge of hypocrisy against all the evangelicals who believe their god personally sent a lying, greedy, thieving, cruel, blaspheming, gluttonous, fornicating kleptocrat to run the United States. Because your average atheist could have answered more questions about the Bible than the self-proclaimed Chosen One.

Well, but it turns out there’s a guy in the UK named Michael Spicer, who does a kind of Randy Rainbow mashup (without the music and flamingo pink glasses), and now it all becomes clear:

I am never going to be able to listen to this buffoon stumble his way through congratulating Poland on the 80th anniversary of the Nazi invasion or bragging about our “great relationship” with Colombia and FARC without looking for his earpiece and imagining Spicer somewhere at the other end of the com line.

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