Monday, January 28, 2019

Gratitude Monday: Break in the storm

Today I’m glad that the Kleptocrat caved and that 800,000 federal workers and more than a million contractors are headed back to paid work. Here in the District They Call Columbia, that means that my Metro ride is going to be more crowded, but I’m glad to know that my fellow commuters will have money flowing back into their bank accounts, and they can begin to drive back some of the excruciating anxiety they’ve been experiencing since mid-December.

I’m also grateful that people like José Andres stepped up to the plate with meals, groceries and supplies for the millions (when you factor in whole families) who’ve been living in this Dalìesque nightmare of either banishment from the job or unpaid servitude—people who perform needed functions but were crumpled up and tossed away by 45, McConnell and their cronies. And that I was able to contribute to some of the organizations to help with the effort.

Further—God bless Robert Mueller and his investigators, for continuing to work throughout this shitshow. And special blessings upon the [unpaid, for the moment] FBI team who arrested Klepto-crony Roger Stone on Friday morning on seven felony counts tied to the 2016 election. And on CNN for doing its job and covering that raid. Must-see TV, that.

I’m well aware that we are by no means out of the woods. There’s increasingly hysterical willie-waving posturing emanating from the White House about still needing that useless wall, and threats of another shutdown if he doesn’t get funding for it. Moreover, even if we didn’t have that prospect hanging over us, returning to full government operations after the 35 days of shutdown will probably take months, if not years. Don’t count on receiving whatever tax refund you’re anticipating by return mail. I think about the research projects that have been ruined because scientists were forbidden to continue their work, and I weep.

But even so—huge thanks that Pelosi and her comrades stood firm against the R extortion demands, and that—as reported on SNL—"Our top story tonight: President Trump’s heroic end to the shutdown. It took him 35 days, but he was finally able to get no wall.”

Today I’m glad that the Kleptocrat caved and that 800,000 federal workers and more than a million contractors are headed back to paid work. Here in the District They Call Columbia, that means that my Metro ride is going to be more crowded, but I’m glad to know that my fellow commuters will have money flowing back into their bank accounts, and they can begin to drive back some of the excruciating anxiety they’ve been experiencing since mid-December.

I’m also grateful that people like José Andres stepped up to the plate with meals, groceries and supplies for the millions (when you factor in whole families) who’ve been living in this Dalìesque nightmare of either banishment from the job or unpaid servitude—people who perform needed functions but were crumpled up and tossed away by 45, McConnell and their cronies. And that I was able to contribute to some of the organizations to help with the effort.

Further—God bless Robert Mueller and his investigators, for continuing to work throughout this shitshow. And special blessings upon the [unpaid, for the moment] FBI team who arrested Klepto-crony Roger Stone on Friday morning on seven felony counts tied to the 2016 election. And on CNN for doing its job and covering that raid. Must-see TV, that.

I’m well aware that we are by no means out of the woods. There’s increasingly hysterical willie-waving posturing emanating from the White House about still needing that useless wall, and threats of another shutdown if he doesn’t get funding for it. Moreover, even if we didn’t have that prospect hanging over us, returning to full government operations after the 35 days of shutdown will probably take months, if not years. Don’t count on receiving whatever tax refund you’re anticipating by return mail. I think about the research projects that have been ruined because scientists were forbidden to continue their work, and I weep.

But even so—huge thanks that Pelosi and her comrades stood firm against the R extortion demands, and that—as reported on SNL—"Our top story tonight: President Trump’s heroic end to the shutdown. It took him 35 days, but he was finally able to get no wall.”

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