Monday, December 3, 2018

Un promenade dans le boulevard

Further to my post about the “gilets jaunes” protests in Paris, I went to the Champs-Élysées yesterday to have a look at the Arc de Triomphe. Well—I didn’t get to go to the actual Arc, because they were power-washing graffiti off it from Saturday’s rumpus:

I actually saw some yellow-vest types, but they were vastly outnumbered by riot police, and things were quiet.

Further down the boulevard, there were other signs of the weekend activity—

HSBC boarded up:

A perfume shop taking down the boards:

Société Général's ATM screens smashed:

And a notice telling customers an interior ATM was available (except the bank was actually locked up, this being Sunday):

Louis Vuitton took the steel mesh route:

Not precisely on the Champs-Élysées, but nearby, I found this graffito, which was appropriate to the protests. It invokes modern-day (gilets jaunes) and historic (sans culottes) revolutionaries, and cries, “Death to the pigs”:

And something that heralds the fall of civilization: a Five Guys—a really big Five Guys—right there on the Champs-Élysées. That's what people should be protesting:

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