Monday, December 3, 2018

Gratitude Monday: Angels in Seoul

If all goes as planned, by the time people in the Western Hemisphere read this, I should be on a flight back home after nearly three weeks in Prague, Berlin and Paris. It’s been a very good journey for me—not all pure positivity, but I took the trip to try to sort through some things I’d rather not think about.

And today is Gratitude Monday, and the second day of Advent. So here’s a Christmas carol from France, “Les anges dans nos campagnes”. Anglophones know this as “Angels We Have Heard on High”, so you probably don’t need a translation.

I chose this performance because it tickles me that some boy choir in white monks robes are performing a French Christmas carol in Seoul. Globalization, eh?

I’m grateful for this trip, for seeing new things and revisiting some familiar ones. I’m grateful for the season of Advent, and for sharing it with friends and family. And I’m grateful to be headed home, where I can do a real load of laundry.

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