Saturday, November 24, 2018

Something foggy, something fishy

Laptop update:

The local computer repair guys are unable to deal with my laptop—the power connector is atypical, so they don’t carry them. The connection is loose, so…

They gave me the name of specialists who could possibly handle the job—take apart my machine, etc. But I’m only here through Tuesday, so I’m just going to keep limping along with amazon hotel wi-fi but questionable power. (It appears to deign to recognize the AC connection once the battery drains down to 13%.) Pray to the gods of technology.

Okay, Berlin today. It’s overcast/foggy, so lousy photo-taking conditions. Still, I did get a couple of interesting shots of the TV tower last evening:

Interestingly, the Prater above the soon-to-open Alexanderplatz Weinachtsmarkt was all lit up and operational Thursday night:

But not last night. However, I’m seeing signs that this weekend (or at least Monday) may mark the opening of Official Weinachts. (All Christkindlemärkte should be open on Monday.) Stay tuned.

And the aquarium in the hotel atrium is an actual thing: people can take a glass elevator up into the center of the fish tank:

This morning I caught the cleaning crew at work:

(Sorry about the video showing sideways. I'm too tired to mess with it.)

As Gomer Pyle would say, well gaw-lee!

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