Sunday, November 25, 2018

It's beginning to look...

As y’all know, I’m a sucker for holiday lights. So I’ve been looking forward to seeing how Berlin stacks up in this regard.

My guess is that there’s some starting point, that line that demarcates Christmas from pre-Christmas. In the US, that used to be Thanksgiving. But in Berlin it may be this weekend. Although one Weinachtsmarkt has been open since the 2nd, the rest open on Monday.

I noticed as I was walking around the mitte area that holiday lights are out, but not on. However, last night this star next to my hotel—which had been in place, but not lighted—was finally turned on in the evening:

Likewise, the stars in the trees lining the Spree, right above the DDR Museum, as a matter of fact:

Over at Potsdamerplatz, there was this display next to the cinema that’s touting the “world premiere” of The Grinch.

I got a kick out of the fact that this multi-megawatt OTT show of holiday excess is practically on top of Checkpoint Charlie. The Ghosts of Stasi Past must be oooering no end.

Ditto, this: yes, Dunkin’ Donuts is right there where the Communists tried to fend off Western decadent culture. Bwhahaha!

Across the street, there’s the only currently operating (although apparently not at full strength; a lot of stalls not open yet) Weinachtsmarkt in town:

And back at Alexanderplatz, the Prater was lit up for a while, over the Christkindlmarkt that’ll be open tomorrow.

Compliments of the season, eh?

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