Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Bits and pieces

Well, I went to two more Weinachtsmärkte yesterday, at Schloß Charlottenburg and around Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächniskirche near the Zoologischer Garten. I’ll write about them a little later; for now Imma share a few oddities seen around town.

This was right outside the Schloß Charlottenburg market, and I can’t help but wonder what the story is:

I mean—surely you’re going to notice one of your work boots is no longer on your foot, nicht wahr?

This was parked outside my hotel entrance as I was leaving:

I’m hoping the driver doesn’t partake, because could be quite the wildest ride since Mr. Toad.

But, speaking of smokin’, this was also near my hotel:

And speaking of rides—lookee what’s made it to Berlin:

This is an advertising setup for a fast food joint—Amplemann (who himself is what you see on traffic lights letting you know you have the legal right to cross). Interesting that both the bike and the statue have to be tied down.

Further afield, I hauled into the bus stop on Bernauerstraße and found these additions to the municipally-supplied metal mesh seats:

As with the work boot, I’d be interested in the story behind these.

And, in a residential district not too far from Schloß Charlottenburg, not only was the wall painted, but…

I don’t know whether it’s an artistic statement, or just left for anyone to take away. 

And then there's this:

It's not so much the photo booth per se. It's that the photos now cost 2€, and the come-on of "complete privacy" for your shoot. That one makes me a little queasy.

Finally—since it is the season, here’s how my hotel has chosen to show its colors:

Radisson Blu, geddit?

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