Wednesday, October 24, 2018

States' rights? Seriously?

You know, this state; this Confederate state…

I described my whole tax preparation michegoss a couple of weeks ago. But that wasn’t the last word.

Because I received a letter from Virginia informing me that—in an effort to cut back on “fraud”, they required further information from me before they’d consider issuing my refund. (If I’d owed them money, there wouldn’t have been any issue.)

Well, I went to their poxy site to “enter [my] information” that would enable them to reluctantly and begrudgingly issue my three-figure refund, but it wouldn’t accept the entries. After switching from Firefox to Chrome, here’s the response I got:

Okay, 60 bloody days was unacceptable, so I called the number on their letter. And—fair dues—I’d forgotten all about the issue of inputting the property taxes I’d paid changing my tax liability. Because, although I’d focused on the federal return, of course it also affected my state liability. Which meant the refund I saw on my pre-property tax liability wasn’t what was in Virginia’ system.

Well, Jamal cleared it up for me. I’m getting $200 more back from the state—yay!

But I still don’t grasp where Virginia gets off requiring extra “proof” when I’m due a refund. And they’re still pissing me off.

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