Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Hard times indeed

Over the weekend I got a notification from my pals at Facebook, announcing that I’d transgressed their “Community Standards”.

Well, I had no idea what they were on about, so I clicked on the link and it only got worse:

Nudity? Sexual activity? Facebook has standards?

Well, first of all, I had no idea what I could possibly have posted that amounted to high crimes and misdemeanors against standards of nudity and sexual activity. Bad language, sure, but...

But then I discovered that my transgression occurred on 24 August LAST YEAR, and Facebook was only just now—14 months later—getting around to telling me I’d been nicked.

And then when I realized what the post was that had triggered this wrist slapping, my gobsmackedness just increased by an order of magnitude.

So I clicked on “take another shot at this, you cretins”, which resulted in them allowing as to how there was neither nudity nor sexual activity in my post. (Here's the whole histoire.)

And they let it back up. A year and two months after they hid it from the delicate eyes of my friends.

So, if you’re interested: here’s what got Facebook’s knickers in a twist:

You may want to avert your eyes.

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