Friday, October 19, 2018

Vive le Champagne!

No one comes right out and admits it, but I’m pretty sure le jour mondial du Champagne was dreamt up by a marketer. Either for a producer, importer or distributor. Whatever.

I have no boeuf with any of that, since Champagne is my substance of choice. I’m perfectly happy to fall in with the fête and pop a cork in solidarity. I’m just a wee bit surprised that there have been eight such celebrations before this one, and I did not know about any of them.

Regardless, I shall contribute to the day by opening a bottle and toasting the art and science of Champagne—even though as far as I’m concerned, every day is Champagne day. And so, here are a couple of photos for you:

Grapes about ready to be harvested at a vineyard in Épernay. Yes, I tasted a few of them. Delish.

A glass of Champagne at a café across from le tour Saint Jacques (all that remains of the traditional starting place for pilgrims headed to Santiago de Compostela—Saint Jacques de Compostelle) in Paris. It was a miserably cold and rainy day, and I was waiting for my bowl of soupe à l’oignon gratinée to arrive.

Everything improves when you’re viewing it through a glass of Champagne.

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