Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Excellence in recruiting /s

Every time I have to dust off my résumé, fire up the networking chat lines and calculate how much I need in salary (given the difference in benefits), I just want to puke. Because at some point I’m going to have to deal with recruiters.

Seriously—I’d rather face an auditor across a grody IRS table than talk with another recruiter.

But hey—them’s the breaks, so at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing I did my best. “My best” included putting my dusted-off résumé into the conference database (although that was more so I could get invitations to company events, really) and stopping by booths to chat with the mix of recruiters and worker bees who staffed them.

But that also triggered a raft of mostly system-generated come-ons, like this one from ADP:

My employer uses ADP to manage time reporting, benefits, payroll, etc., and it is an abomination to God and man. ADP is what you get when you have convinced yourself that you have no competition, so you can make user experience from hell and slow-moving organizations will go on paying you for it.

I’m betting their “talent acquisition team” used their software to send out this post-conference enticement for which they could not even fill in the GHC name:


ADP could not innovate its way out of a paper bag, and they're kind of pants at proofreading their emails, too.

I have so much more of this to endure.

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