Thursday, September 13, 2018

Tremendously red sky at morning

As of time of writing, it’s looking like Florence—that tremendously big and tremendously wet hurricane swirling around the Atlantic—looks like it’s going to strike more toward the Carolinas and Georgia, as opposed to the Carolinas and Virginia. This means that I’ve got a few more days to stock up on bottled water, because they’re still predicting some rain next week.

I also have time to lay in a few bottles from the ABC store.

Here is an official image from the National Weather Service from Tuesday, depicting Florence’s approach to the Carolinas. I am not making this up, it’s a legit image from the NWS:

A couple of things: for—well, ever, really—pols in North Carolina have bashed the warnings about the effects of climate change are having on all kinds of things, including storms. (They aren’t alone, of course; Florida’s another one, and it’s discovering that climate change is real, and it’s biting them in their all-important tourism industry. Boofuckinghoo.) So they’ve not only not done anything about controlling things like carbon emissions and coastal over-development, they’ve not done anything to ramp up hurricane disaster relief or recovery.

(I’m betting that they’re going to go with their hands out to the feds for those latter two, expecting blue state taxes to pay for their reckless disregard for science and their feckless fiscal policies. The legislature is white, so I’m also betting they’ll get it from the kleptocrat’s regime. Even so, FEMA has a $10M shortfall in its disaster response coffers, since that amount was transferred to ICE to build cages for children at the border. Cadet Bone Spurs thought only brown folks are affected by hurricanes.)

The other thing is that the luck of the draw gave this hurricane a feminine name. So it’s really cool that the lost-causing, climate science-denying, racist, misogynistic goobers of North Carolina are about to be thoroughly rogered by a Category 4 tremendously big and tremendously wet and tremendously powerful bitch of a storm.

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