Wednesday, September 12, 2018

They seek him here

Okay, well, y’all know about #PlaidShirtGuy—Tyler Linfesty, the Billings, Montana, high school kid who stole the kleptocrat’s specious rally last week. He was placed right behind His Orangeness on the stage and reacted as any sentient being would to the idiotic claptrap coming out of that puckered mouth.

Then he got booted from the stage (along with his friends, who weren’t as enthusiastic enough for the campaign team), interrogated by the Secret Service (seriously) and tossed out of the auditorium.

Linfesty was the hero of the hour, in a week that I’m betting Li’l Donny Two-scoops wishes never happened—what with Bob Woodward’s book and the anonymous self-styled resister in the White House’s op-ed in the New York Times. No wonder his minions couldn’t stomach having the high school kids up there.

Anyhow, I don’t know why there are not Zelig-like instances of #PlaidShirtGuy all over the Internet, but so far this is the only one I’ve found:

But speaking of the Goebbels of 1600, she apparently made the mistake of showing up for one of her lying turns in an outfit that provided the perfect green screen for projecting something appropriate (sorry—you have to click to see the video):

— Maggie Resists Trump (@Stop_Trump20) September 10, 2018

And on that uplifting note, I’m out.

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