Thursday, September 6, 2018

Lunchtime for leporidae

I’ve written before about the brown bunny that occasionally visits my back yard. I hadn’t seen him in a while—but it has been very hot, and he is wearing a fur coat, so I was hoping that he was hanging out somewhere in the shade, maybe with his paws dipping in some cool water.

Well, I noticed him hopping through last week, but he was too fast for me to get a shot of him. I’d put out my pot of basil and my pot of parsley when the remediation folks tore up the living room—I did not think whatever chemicals they laid down would be healthy for the little plants. I thought it was cute when Brown Bunny got up in the parsley pot and nibbled the herb, but a couple of days ago he started chowing down like it was the main course.

I took a few videos, but it did not look like the little lagomorphic toe rag was going to stop until he’d scarfed it all.

So I brought that pot inside. He’s not interested in the basil: I can leave that out until I get the replacement floor.

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