Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Little Red Hen that could

As you know, it’s been a tough week for anyone who cares about civility and decency in this country. But amid all the darkness there have been a few glimmers.

One is an update from the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia. That’s the small farm-to-table place that last June—in the nicest possible way—asked White House Lying Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to find someplace else to feed herself and the seven others in their party. This triggered much popbead-clutching among the gap-tooth KFC set bemoaning how vicious all the libtards are, followed by threats of violence, boycotts and a lot of other things they couldn’t spell.

As I wrote, I went on the Red Hen’s website and ordered gift certificates, asking that they be sent to a local shelter for victims of domestic violence. That seemed appropriate, given Sanders’ colleagues propensity for committing battery on their partners.

Evidently I wasn’t alone, as noted in the update I received a few days ago. Staff at the Red Hen have been busy apportioning gift certificates among the shelter, food pantries and other local worthy recipients.

(Whatever photos they reference did not make it through the email.)

I love that they’ve been able to turn their principled stand on behalf of employees who are the targets of the vicious policies emanating from the White House into a community of care. I’m glad they’ve been recovering, and that I could be a part of it.

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