Thursday, August 30, 2018

Not a tropical heat wave

Summer has struck with a vengeance here in the District They Call Columbia. All this week the combination of temperatures in the 90s and humidity through the roof have given us a heat index north of 100 degrees. We’ve had heat advisories every day since Monday.

Tuesday afternoon when I got into a Metro car I at first thought they had the heat on. It was like a convection oven. I got out at the first stop and moved to another car. That one was marginally better—AC struggled to make headway, but at least I didn’t feel like there was a good possibility I’d be fork-tender by the end of my 50-minute ride.

As I reached my destination, I was struck by this poster:

Apparently professional bull riding is a thing, and it’s coming to the area next month.

Interesting advertising, though. I suppose it appeals to their target demographic.

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